Music and Worship Arts

Music is an integral part of the worship life at First Congregational Church. The purpose of Worship Arts Ministry is to help create life affirming, spiritually uplifting worship and fellowship through rich artistic expression. Music in worship gives glory and honor to God, and enhances the worship experience through inspiring and artistic expressions of praise.



Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir sings weekly for the 10:00 a.m. worship service, and rehearses on Thursday evening from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. September – May. The Chancel Choir sings a wide variety of music representing diverse styles and traditions, from motets and masterworks to spirituals and contemporary anthems. The only requirements for membership in the Chancel Choir are enthusiasm, energy, and effort; no audition is required. There is a place in the Chancel Choir for adults and teens who wish to learn, grow, serve, and praise God in song. We work together to develop a unity – musically and spiritually – that enables us to share God’s love through music. 

Director of Music: Maxwell Trombley

Academy Ringers Handbell Choir

Handbells are an integral part of the First Congregational Worship Arts Ministry. The Academy Ringers Handbell Choir proudly ring a five-octave set of Malmark Handbells and a five octave set of Malmark Choirchimes. The handbell choir proclaims the joy and artistry of English handbell ringing in worship monthly September – May and rehearses Wednesday evenings, 6:00 – 7:15 p.m. The Handbell Choir is open to adults and teens with music reading experience.

Bell Choir Director: Jamie Sue Knight

W. o. W. (Worship our Way) 

The purpose of the Children’s Arts Ministry for children and youth  is to teach those in Kindergarten through 12th Grade how to worship God as participants and leaders by involving them in Sunday Worship experiences using the Visual and Performing Arts. (instrumental, vocal, speech/drama, movement).  Built on the teaching philosophies of Carl Orff and Gunild Keetman, the Children’s Arts Ministry combines Music (instrumental and vocal), Movement, Speech/Drama and Visual Art into a whole arts approach to building skills for the worship of God and worship leadership. Under the leadership of Kimberly Licavoli, the children come together each week working to develop a sense of community – musically and spiritually – enabling the ensemble to share the love of God through the arts.

Open to children and youth grades K – 12th, the Children’s Arts Ministry meets each Sunday morning from 9:00-9:45 a.m. during the Faith Formation Hour. Parents are strongly encouraged to be involved in the week-to-week activities in order to make this a truly intergenerational ministry.

Director of Children's Worship Arts: Kimberly Licavoli


Ask for More Information

Our Choral Scholar program, in collaboration with the Music Department at Western Michigan University, provides a paid musical leadership opportunity for vocal performance students. The 2024 Choral Scholars are Danny Maura, Ava Poggione, Donte Scaglione, and Jaidyn Spears.

Learn About our Instruments

In 2016, we approached the supplier of pianos to The Gilmore Festival about a grand piano for the church. We chose one from the Artist Pool, an incredible STEINWAY B manufactured in 2010.

Learn more about the pipe organs we have at First Congregational.

Our Wicks Opus 6419 Sanctuary Organ
Our Austin Opus 2354 Chapel Organ