Hospitality for Dianne is not just a “job”, but it is a way of life. She believes offering welcome is basic to Christian identity and practice. Knowing that in welcoming visitors and strangers we may be entertaining angels or even the Christ, is an awesome thought. The Bible is rich with accounts of hospitality and with encouragement toward its practice. Whether we open to the story of Abraham, Sarah and the angels or to the account of the widow of Zarephath and Elijah, we cannot miss the blessing and mystery that accompany the practice of hospitality. A quick review of Jesus’ life and ministry finds hospitality at the center. Jesus is both the guest and host, dependent on others for welcome and startlingly gracious in His welcome to outsiders, seekers, and sinners.
“I am grateful for the confidence the Personnel Committee and the Deacons have placed in me and I humbly ask your assistance and cooperation as we minister together to extend FCC’s extravagant welcome with grateful hearts in response to the love and gratitude for God’s love and welcome to us.”
Dianne is here to make visitors and members feel welcome. Part of the extravagant welcome that Dianne provides is working with wedding parties to make sure everything goes smoothly on their important day. She is available for any questions you might have about First Congregational Church UCC. Feel free to contact her.